Den femte februari, alltså denna torsdag, klockan 19.00-20.00 hålls webinar för bryggfunktioner mellan Luxion KeyShot och Pixologic ZBrush på nybörjarnivå.
Guest presenter and film industry veteran, Nick Hiatt, gives you an introduction to KeyShot for ZBrush and the ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge, taking you through the process from setup and paint in ZBrush to transfer and lighting in KeyShot. This is expected to fill up quickly so grab your spot fast. In this webinar:
- Download, installation, and licensing
- Mesh setup in ZBrush
- The ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge
- Light and material setup in KeyShot
- Model updates from ZBrush to KeyShot
- Tips, tricks, and techniques
- Q&A
Webinaret är gratis och går att registrera sig på denna länk.