WARNING! Do NOT update firmware on Creator 3 and Guider II!

WARNING! Do NOT update firmware on Creator 3 and Guider II!

Creative Tools has several ongoing support cases derived from faulty Flashforge Guider II and Flashforge Creator 3 mother boards. This is caused by a recent firmware update.

A while ago, we warned our customers about updating firmware on the 3D printer Guider II. The warning still applies, and now the warning also includes Creator 3.

Our advice:

DO NOT UPDATE GUIDER II OR CREATOR 3 FIRMWARE! Do not accept firmware update on the 3D printer’s display. Ignore update for now and await further information.

2 thoughts on “WARNING! Do NOT update firmware on Creator 3 and Guider II!”

  1. I have a terrible Creator 3 that gives lots of issues..

    Is there a firmware version that is safe to use and what version is it? Please can I download it anywhere because Flasforge has terrible customer support and no forum.

    1. Very sorry to hear that you’re having issues with your Creator 3. Firmware versions as of June 2020 works well. The warning applies to the “older” version of Creator 3 delivered with a plastic build platform. The warning does not apply to the newer version of Creator 3.

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